Pregnancy is a miraculous and wonderful episode on a woman's life. When I found out I was pregnant, I leapt for joy! We've believed for a baby for more than a year and when our prayers manifested, it was a celebratory moment. Yay!
Can you still remember the first time you found out you're pregnant? It's like floating in Cloud9, right? ;D
Can you still remember the first time you found out you're pregnant? It's like floating in Cloud9, right? ;D

Below are some of the 'Things To Do When You Find Out You're Pregnant':
#1: Choose a Pregnancy Care Provider
Consider where you plan to give birth and how much your insurance will pay for.
I knew beforehand that I wanted to give birth as natural as possible because my grandmother is a midwife. I've seen her deliver a baby on-the-spot at our bungalow. I'm glad my husband agreed to go to a birthing center to have our baby delivered.
I don't like C-sections and epidurals. But whatever you choose to do is to your preference and what you've agreed with your partner. There are women I know who prefer hospitals and C-section procedures. Perfectly fine! You have months to prepare beforehand, so plan wisely.
I don't like C-sections and epidurals. But whatever you choose to do is to your preference and what you've agreed with your partner. There are women I know who prefer hospitals and C-section procedures. Perfectly fine! You have months to prepare beforehand, so plan wisely.
By the way, this is the birthing center I go to, AustinABC. I love that they provide prenatal, birth and postnatal care. They also give free childbirth classes, breastfeeding, yoga and the likes when you sign up with them.
#2: Wait until your Second Trimester to Announce the Pregnancy
What? Why hide it from them when you're feeling euphoric?
It's recommended to wait until your second trimester to announce the pregnancy in the event of a loss. You'll want to keep the news private or retain it with your most trusted/closest circle of friends until the risk of miscarriage drops dramatically, which happens at the end of the first trimester, around 10 to 12 weeks. It's hard to lie, been there done that, but it's better to keep it that way until it's time.
It's recommended to wait until your second trimester to announce the pregnancy in the event of a loss. You'll want to keep the news private or retain it with your most trusted/closest circle of friends until the risk of miscarriage drops dramatically, which happens at the end of the first trimester, around 10 to 12 weeks. It's hard to lie, been there done that, but it's better to keep it that way until it's time.
#3: Educate yourself, Download Pregnancy Apps
There are an ocean of books online regarding the subject. Below are some of my recommended books.

There are also a plethora of information you can get at your fingertips at Pinterest.
Apps to Download: BabyCenter App & WhatToExpect Pregnancy & Baby App
I personally like these apps because as a first time mommy-to-be, I'm able to track my baby's development week by week.
There are also a plethora of information you can get at your fingertips at Pinterest.
Apps to Download: BabyCenter App & WhatToExpect Pregnancy & Baby App
I personally like these apps because as a first time mommy-to-be, I'm able to track my baby's development week by week.
#4: Research Nutrition & Exercise
I've found that pregnancy is the time when most women realize the value of eating right and getting proper nutrition. Many of us started to ditch those canned, junk and whatever unhealthy foods we've picked from the grocery store.What you eat directly affects your baby's growth and development and the way you feel. The recommended total weight gain for woman with a normal weight is around 25-35 lbs. Your body needs only about 300 calories more each day.
Foods to Avoid:
- Soft cheeses
- Unpasteurized milk or cheese
- Raw e.g. sushi, sashimi. Food must be cooked well.
- Fish with high levels of mercury. Usually big fishes like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish
- Alcoholic beverages & foods with alcoholic content
- Deli meat
- Limit fish to 2 servings per week: shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock
If for some reason you're not able to get all the key nutrients through healthy diet alone, a daily prenatal vitamin maybe recommended.
A trusted friend of mine recommended New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins Fermented with Probiotics + Folate + Iron + Vitamin D3 + B Vitamins + Organic Non-GMO Ingredients
Good reviews are written about it and many women swear that this prenatal vitamins don't make them feel sick compared to the rest.
Exercise is beneficial to both you and your baby. There are many health benefits listed regarding the subject. Personally, I've decided to wait until my second trimester or 14 weeks above before doing it. Listen to your body, every pregnancy is different. Never exercise to the point of exhaustion. Drink lots of water. You should be able to talk normally while exercising else you're overdoing it.
#5: Prepare your Finances
Let's face it, financial planning goes with the arrival of your baby. Make sure you're prepared. The last thing you would want to worry about is where to get the money to pay the bills.- Research and ask friends, who've gone before you, what you actually need before spending money on baby stuff.
- Don't overdo on maternity clothes, try to wear your regular clothes as much as possible.
- Try to reduce your expenses and start saving now.
And lastly, enjoy the moment! Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life. I'm glad I don't have to go through morning sickness, nausea, cravings and whatever symptoms that can be named that goes with pregnancy. I love my pregnancy and I'm looking forward to meet our little Caranzo soon.
Note: All things listed here are based on my own opinion and personal experience. I'm no medical practitioner so please consult your doctor/midwife. We may not agree on some of the things listed here but that's fine. Our generation has evolved into a highly-cultured-society thus I'm expecting respectful and polite comments from you all.