I've always dreamt of experiencing the four seasons. Winter is especially intriguing. I've wondered what it feels like to wear layers and layers of clothes and build a snowman.
Do trees die in the winter? How come they come back to life anew in springtime? Their leaves as green as ever just like summers past. Come fall, they transform their hues to the brightest of colors.
Thoughts like these teem my young mind. I could remember my eagerness to experience what it's like out there, beyond the island where I once live.
Favorite Season
You see, I grew up in the Philippines. It's a tropical country near the equator. The weather is pretty much consistent all throughout the year. Well, there's the rainy season too. What I don't like about it, is the floods that come along.
Less than a decade after I left my home country, It's awesome to think I've met different cultures and lived in different environments. God is awesomely good!
The girl who once lived on an island, dreaming what it's like out there, has broadened her horizons. Now that I've experienced the four seasons, I could finally comment on what it's like.
Winter is beautiful to behold but the freezing weather conditions are uncomfortable. I find myself indoors most of the time. Spring is exciting because I look forward to the promised warmth of the summer sun. And fall, yes, fall is by far my favorite!

Remembering Fall in Montreal, Quebec
To wrap up this year's fall season, allow me to take you on a photo tour to Montreal, Quebec this Fall. The city looked different compared to how it looks like in the summertime. Wanna see the difference? Here's our visit to the Old Port last summer.
On our visit last October, we added Mount Royal on our 5 Day Road Trip to Quebec + Montreal from Ottawa, Ontario. (Pictured below. More photos here.)
And as promised, let me take you on a quick photo tour of the city of Montreal, Quebec in Fall. Scroll down! ;)

The Old Port looked incredibly pretty with the bright hues of autumn. Goodbye, Fall 2019! Thank you for the spectacle you bring year after year!
And so, it's time to brace myself for the coldest months ahead! There'll be inches and inches of snowfall to build a snowman. And layers and layers of heavy clothing wrapping up this petite frame of mine. Hoho!
Hmm... I wonder where we'll be next? Well, I hope you'd have fun with our photo tour in Montreal, Quebec this Fall. I'll hope to see you in my next post this winter! ;)