Just this week (yesterday to be exact), we went apartment viewing on the unit of our choice. We arrived 20 minutes before schedule and mooch around the area. We took peeks at the empty brand-new spaces from the sun-glared glass windows, attempting to figure out the layout from our point of view. To no avail of course.
Compared to our current place of residence, the next one is considered a luxury for all the things our former lacks: an in-suite washer and dryer, dishwater, central airconditioning, customizable heater.
We thought we will do just fine without those things mentioned above, which true at first. We reasoned won't be staying in Canada for more than a year so it's fine. But the current pandemic changes all that. Oh yes, I'm sure we are not the only ones affected. We are all in this together!
This is the situation in our current apartment. Imagine going 6 levels down during laundry and having to wait because all the washer units are full, not to mention the accumulated cost of doing the washing and drying per month with a toddler in the family.
But the thing that peeved me the most is when someone told my husband to double-check the washing machine before loading our clothes because he found dog poop inside it once. Gross!
Another must is air conditioning. Given the chilly cold winters in the northern hemisphere, I was astonished to find Canadian summers are hot and humid!
We moved here August of last year (story here) and we stayed in a hotel for a month, so we were ignoramus about the weather information on a typical summer day.
Our current apartment has no cooling system. I felt like a chicken sitting inside the oven, roasted to perfection for the next 24 hours. Geez, this has to end!
When we realized we could find a better place with the same price point, I was on a warpath. (Kidding!) So we took the leaped.
Inside the new apartment we like, we swooned over, spilling 'wows' and 'oh nice', and hurriedly secured the unit number of our picking; somehow forgetting that 3 hours have passed since lunch break and we haven't eaten our meals yet. Oh, dear!
Seeing that the downpayment has been settled and we're only waiting to move out from our current place, I thought of sharing with you our apartment wishlist for 2020; perhaps you'll also get ideas for your own home.
Actually, this should have been titled Ikea Apartment Wishlist because it's true. All items on this list are from that 'European Imports company', save for the rug. (lol) Okay, enough with the unceasing tirade of complaints and chatter! I'll let you check out the list below in peace ;)

What's your pick from the wishlist above and how will you style them?
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