"What's wrong?" I made a quick investigation.
He is not happy his toy car isn't able to move smoothly on top of the stool's leather-padded seating; it keeps falling into the tufted areas. I looked at my husband, knitted my eyebrows, and sent a playful grin.
Isn't it interesting to find a toddler's problem funny? It's no big deal. Absurd even.
"Avoid the depression areas and you're good to go."
We throw in simple advice believing that'll solve his toddler predicament. Still, he takes issue that his toy car keeps descending over and over into those uneven surfaces.
The seemingly unnavigable path is a real source of irritation for him. He can't figure out why things can't happen the way he wants it to, not yet. Some problems may be easy for you to maneuver because it comes with maturity and experience. But it's not true for everyone.
What's common sense to you may not be so common for someone else.
Lately, I've been hooked on watching animal documentaries it even spilled on the blog. Have you read Shed the Old, Make Room For The New: A Life Lesson yet? That's evidence. (lol)

I saw this interesting documentary about lightfoot crabs. I'm truly amazed at the crazy dangerous things they must go through to be able to feast on the prized seaweed growing on the other side of the rocky shores.
Limbs and lives they risk just to get there. It's too intense you'll have to hold your breath for the next 3 and a half minutes. See here.
When crabs are but eggs, zoea, or young, they fall prey to many predators like fishes, turtles, birds, jellyfish. As they grow into adults their predators thin out. But this doesn't mean the crabs' could relax on a beach somewhere because these adult-crab-hunters are fiercer, stronger.
The Life Lesson
When you are but little, you fall prey to all kinds of frustrations. Toddlers get annoyed over the cutest, funniest things. At six or seven, first-grade math worries you. As a teenager, you're concerned about the changes in your body or what degree to get in college.You can't say the same when you've gone past those stages.
As you mature and accumulate experience, the measure of the challenges you face also grows with you.
If you've been bothered by the same problem for the last ten years, perhaps it's time to do something about it?
Say, if you've been having trouble with money management for a decade now, how about finding materials online for free or seeking someone who's gone over to the other side to learn how to handle your finances well?
Passed over for a promotion for the last five years? Then, it's time to upgrade your skillset.
Sure, some things take time to grow but it's not an excuse to remain small forever. Even a baby's development happens so fast, you'd be surprised they're already walking at one.
And when you see someone who is not quite there yet, go down to where they are, apply lots of patience, and lift them up.
I scooped the little boy out of his vexation and gave him comfort.
He may not have the understanding of adults for now, but one day he will. The frustrations he'll go through will thin out as he grows, but they will also rise up to the level of his maturity.
The things that bother you reveal your level of maturity.
Are you tired of existing on old stale ways of living or falling over and over into the same ditches? Step up your game! It's the only way to cross over to the other side, into the feasting grounds of paradise.
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