When was the last time you feel envious of someone? What did you do to handle the green-eyed monster looming in the background? Did you fa...
Are you looking for a safe water treatment system for your lab? Find out more about safe water options in remote locations or in your home. ...
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has...
Do you want to lose weight? Learn how to manage your emotions, time, finances, or other resources? Become better at your job? Be mentall...
Let's face it. We all desire to be liked. To belong. To be appreciated. To be part of a team. Humans are social. It's innate in our ...
Hey, how are you holding up these days? Me? It hasn't been blue and cool and wonderful. My body clock is off-kilter. I have been sleepin...
How many times do you feel discouraged in a month, week, or day? Treading through a day or days when you feel lost? Black, gray, dull colors...
Life, like water, is a constant flow movement. In retrospect, that has been true for our family. For the past 10 years of our lives, we hav...
It was wintertime when pack up our stuff from our first home to settle into the new. Relative to where we previously live (Singapore &...
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