My heart was yo-yo-ing in delight to see our son enjoying himself, as typical of us parents.
In a flash while lost in the moment, a thought gyrated it's way to my limbic brain, I directed my gaze to my husband and probe his stance on the matter, "Don't you find it interesting how children learn?"
They are innately curious. Nobody ever taught them how to do it or explained it's importance, yet they just go with the instinct they are born with.
From the moment they are forced out of mom's protective chamber, they immediately start their education on living. They learn about their environment, studied their caregivers' faces and voices, practiced how to walk, talk, and everything in between.
They are dreamers, who believe all things are possible, with charged up imaginations that could blow off at any minute.

Sadly, it doesn't last long. As we grow older, we learn more about our world, where our logical thinking overrides our creative imaginative side.
I had this belief that parents should always do the teaching, the giving off of the lessons, the rules, the laws for living, trapped in the stereotype of myopic mindset, never once imagining that our son could also open my eyes to many 'aha' moments as we parent him.
Thankfully, we could reframe our minds. Had I not, I would have missed on the life lessons which paraded its truths right under my nose.
If you're reading this to learn what I have rediscovered as a parent, then here's '3 Lessons My 3-Year-Old Taught Me About Learning'. Perhaps you could also identify with them as a parent. ;)
1. They Observe and Emulate What They See
From upbeat dance steps, incomprehensible song lyrics, words, and accents, to mom and dad's expressions and daily habits, they are copycat experts of everything they see.Little children have mastered the art of mimicking, which can be downright annoying if done by an adult.
How Can Adults Benefit?
Do you want your business to thrive? Copy the principles and techniques applied by those who've achieved success in their field.
Do you want to be promoted in your job? Learn and emulate the footsteps and processes followed by corporate rockstars who are way up the ladder.
Do you want to have an awesome marriage? Observe and mirror the behavior patterns of the couples you look up to. You get the idea!
2. They Ask Questions
Did you know how Socrates became a philosopher? He asked question after question, both to the elite and common man alike. In fact, he didn't teach about what he knew, he feigned ignorance with no ideas of his own.His "Socratic Method of Questioning" is still popular and in-use in our day. It sought to expose the contradictions in one's thoughts and reasoning so they could arrive at solid conclusions.
Asking questions is an innate ability we lose as we become adults. As we grow up, we accumulated experiences wherein we are discouraged to ask questions, but rather conform and shut up. As a result, we lose our natural bent to learn, think, and arrive at conclusions.
How Can Adults Benefit?
Don't be afraid to ask questions especially on the things you believe. Ask yourself. Why do I believe this? Think, study, and deliberate. Is it there because you choose to or was it someone else's beliefs you accept as your own?
3. They are Fearless
As adults, we became bound by social norms: fears of rejection, unwillingness to be vulnerable, and hesitations of speaking up even if something is blatantly incorrect. We'd rather talk behind someone else's backs (or behind our monitors) than confront them.But children don't have the concept of 'saving face'. They speak their minds. They don't care if they're in error and most importantly, they care not what others think of them. They simply move on, learn, and ask the next question.
How Can Adults Benefit?
I believe there is a time to speak and a time to listen. You have to be discerning enough to know when the appropriate time comes.
If there's one thing I could take away from this life lesson, it would be that I'd be bold enough to take risks, to fail, to learn, and move on freely without carrying the weight of people's opinions on my back.
Are you a parent? What are the lessons your children taught you about learning?